
September 8, 2010

Art Feature : Sonabai Rajawar - Isolated Inspiration in India, a self taught artist!

A few months past i had been to a local art museum where i was proud to see the incredible work of Sonabai -  a fellow citizen from rural India! She was a self taught artist with no precedents and now internationally known for her art. She won the prestigious President's award for her art back in India.
Self-taught artist Sonabai Rajawar lived in enforced isolation for 15 years in a remote village in central India, creating her own joyous sculptural environment. Through the necessity of expressing her own vision in the face of tremendous adversity, Sonabai developed her innovative art form, which she later taught to other artists. Today in the remote rural villages of her central Indian state, many other artists practice Sonabai’s art in painted clay.

1 comment:

  1. I love everything about this blog. It's like coming to a secret hand-selected trove of someone who loves art.
