
November 24, 2010

Artisan Group Feature : NAIE

NAIE is a registered fair trade artisan organisation that works in handicraft and towards the welfare of their society. They operate from the Uttar Pradesh region of India towards increasing the artisan's welfare, building capacity, children's education, overall community development and social work. NAIE is committed to work for sustainability through  fair trade and to this end, their products are made from industrial waste such as tires, bicycle chains and tins. Including these reusable materials, they also work with mediums such as wood, enamel, metal, brass, glass, gem stones, beads and textiles. Most of the wood used in these products is bought exclusively from the forest quota given by the government of India that sells only dead trees. 
NAIE products available at TGE : 
 Tire Products 
Tin Lanterns
Bicycle Chain Picture Frames

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