
December 13, 2010

Artist Feature : The Light Garden

Happy Monday Morning People! It's the second last Monday before the long holiday and am sure everybody has their clocks ticking away to countdown faster than ever before to be with family and friends for Christmas and New Years! It's going to be all Christmas on our blog for both these weeks so be sure to check in often for some cool stuff. 
Today I am featuring an Australian artist and illustrator Verity Heysen Kizek who totally changed the definition of pastels at least for me. Pastels, to me meant pale in color, but Verity's work shows how that can outdo any other media to make an art work look peaceful, pure and gentle. She draws her inspiration from her 2 year old son; his childhood wonder and innocence, from nature and from vintage illustrations. Verity works exclusively with pastels and her latest products include cards, gift tags, wallpapers, one can also find customized invites and prints.  She has recently put together a lovely card n tags collection using eco friendly paper. Here's presenting some of her beautiful work...
Gift Tags
Gift Tags
Christmas Card
Christmas Card
Personalized Print

Verity sells her work in her etsy shop 'the light garden and has a blog where she puts up posts of her latest work and about some of her favorite things including  books, food, chocolates and some excerpts from her daily life in Istanbul (where she currently lives). 

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