
December 17, 2010

Design Feature : Ceramic Ornaments by Kylie Johnson

"If you have two loaves of bread sell one and buy a hyacinth"
Kylie Johnson is an Australian designer, potter and poet. She blends her talents into wonderfully organic, wabi sabi shapes made out of ceramic. On these she then hand imprints either her own composed poems or quotes those of others. Paper boat press, Kylie's store began as a boutique greeting card range featuring her one or two line poems. The company has now grown to include ceramic ornaments, jewellery, original illustrations and functional ceramic vessels. Like with every handmade product, all of her products might have small irregularities and quirks, which are a natural and an integral part of any handmade product. That's what makes it so intriguing and beautiful right? 

Found this poem on her  blog... HAD to share it :)

i am just dropping in to show you a couple of snaps of studio life . . .
week after week in this christmas lead up. . .
cups of tea and friendship
keep us happy in this space 
as we make and create
laugh, console, listen to music,
discuss our current favourite television viewing
and generally feel like it's not really work at all . . .

Some more of her ceramic projects for this Christmas

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