
January 26, 2011

Bold and Beautiful!

I am quite excited about today's post! It's about somebody who currently works out of my own homestate - Gujarat, India. Not only that but also that she has an academic background from National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad - one of my favorite design institutes in the world.

Presenting Bharati Prajapati. 

Bharati spent 10 years working in line with what she undertook as formal education - textile design. During this period, she spent a lot of time in and around Kutch, working and living with the local people, experiencing their vibrant lifestyles, their ethnic, strong culture put against the arid dry landscape typical to the region. One can see this stark contrast reflect in her work now where she beautifully translates her thoughts, vision and perception of these experiences into figurative expressions. The vivid and bright hues of textiles against a relatively light, bland and sparse background is characteristic to most of her paintings. One can't help but notice the beautiful minute details she brings out in all these paintings. The necklaces, earrings, hair clips, nose rings, tatoos, fabric design details, the arm bands, the bindi - each detail soaked in culture and ethnicity!
Although most of Bharati's work i came across was loyal to feminine beauty and the vibrant colors that she brings to life, there were a few exceptions that talk about rural life in general which include kids, men, domestic animals and nature. She commands a unique style of her own with perfect balance of colors - so vibrant yet so pleasant!
Image Credits : 
Bharati Prajapati's own Facebook page. 

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