
May 31, 2011

News Part 2!

California - The Golden State. The sunshine state. The good food state! Just the way californians think... it is not as confined by tradition as other parts of the country. And all of this put together makes a perfect mix, for a place where design meets color and traditional products are reinvented with new materials and purposes. That is why you need to come to California and see The Green Elephant's smashing new designs at the California Gift Show, Booth 842. 

Excited, nervous and unceasingly optimistic as we are, The Green Elephant is debuting their collection at the trade show in July this year. Look for our designs used in new ways, as framed art work - on pillows, coasters, bags, scarves and well that's just to name a few.  We are now offering a product range of over 200 products from designer stationary to handmade accessories for you and your home. We now have the ability to take our art work, customize it to your specifications with names or colors and put it on any of over 150 different products! All designed and developed based on fair trade principles. We belive eco-consciousness and responsible consumerism is not "just a fad” but here to stay. Come to the California Gift Show, be a part of the big movement and ask us what we can do for you! We would be happy to help :)

When : July 22nd to 25th 2011
Where : L.A Convention Center, Kentia Hall
              Booth 842 [right across the stage]

Please Please Please call us to set appointments so that we can give our 100% to each one of you !
Leaving you with a glimpse of the excitement we are going to be a part of - hope to see you there!

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