
August 20, 2010

Design Feature : Jenny Pinto's Sustainable Lamps

Jenny derives her inspiration from earth itself. She says "Earth is balanced, generous, non judgmental and provides for everyone. She has solutions to absolutely every thing. As a species, we humans have lost touch with her. Connecting to the earth is understanding the natural process of life, knowing your place within it and trying to harmonize with earth and with each other. Sounds deep but in fact it is simplicity itself. Sustainability is a life-long journey, and I am still making it." Anybody is welcome to her studio to learn the dying art of paper making by hand. Here's featuring some of her work.
"Dried Flower" Banana Fiber Paper, SS base 20"
"Spiral" Banana Fiber paper, SS base 30"
"Wall Spiral" Banana Fiber 45"
"Stone Pillar" Banana Fiber Paper, Hand cut granite, 30", 34", 40", 48"
"Free Fall Floor" hand cut stone base, hand sculpted copper arms, hand sculpted paper shades
"SPAce" Bangalore, India

Jenny works out of Bangalore, India. She works with NGO's for women empowerment and strongly believes in sustainability. For more you can visit her website at

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