
August 25, 2010

Indian Fest : Rakhi/Rakshabandhan

While i was just thinking what should i put up for my fellow bloggers and visitors on this Rakhi,  i came across these bright, colorful handmade crochet rakhis handmade by a good friend of mine. "Not for sale" she says :)

Briefly explaining, Rakhi or Rakshabandhan is predominantly a Hindu occasion that celebrates the bond between a brother and a sister. It is celebrated every full moon this time. The ritual goes like, the sister ties a holy thread on her brother's wrist, symbolic of her love, affection and blessings for him. The brother in return gives gifts, significant of a promise to protect her from all evil. 

These beautiful pieces are hand made by Diti Kotecha. Diti herself is an awesome photographer and graphic designer. Currently based out of mumbai, she finds her love in trivial every day things which inspire her in her beautiful work! She is a strong supporter of sustainability and fairtrade and tries to imbibe it in her daily life in ways like these! :)

Do visit her photography blog at

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