
November 3, 2010

Indian Festive Feature : The five days of Diwali!!

Diwali marks the beginning of a new year for victory of Good over Evil.
For me it marks the  get-togethers of  friends and family, good food and its aroma! Rangolis being made, diyas and lights, fireworks in the air... Its the mishmash of colors, lights, aroma and sounds...
This post is for all you lovely people out there, those who celebrate and those who don't, for each of you who is willing to open your heart and let in some of that magic that each festival holds!!!
May you have a beautiful celebration that brings with it lots of  fun, success and meaning to life this new year!
 May your evenings be bright... May your diyas be lit!!

And May you enjoy each and every day --creating memories as you go...
Images : Of peacocks and paisleys... thanks for the lovely inspirations!!

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