
November 8, 2010

'Reuse' Ideas : @ The Purely paper flower shoppe : David Stark

What is gray and white and metallic all over?
Although all of you creative people might have already seen this work earlier, i just came across David Stark and his studio and had to share it! I love the whole handmade take of his this season. With fall turning into winter already in some parts of our worlds and with the holiday season just around the corner, the whole concept of paper decor for our festivals seems nice & guilt free! One can reuse the products year after year or give a new spin each year too. Tell me, what do you think about this winter collection from David Stark?

 I loved these smart looking plates, these with the paper flowers would make a nice table setting i think...
 and garlands that can be used from winter to spring...
 simple smart lamps... you can even try them yourself is what he says...

And here's what David has to say for the purely paper flower shoppe...
"It was open for 4 days only and everything from the flowers and plants, to the gardening tools were created out of paper and made by us. Even the walls and awning of the store were paper, and it was really fun to have the cutest corner flower shop land, unexpectedly, in the very center of west elm. We collected discarded books from random stoops in Brooklyn as well as uncorrected text books and used the pages to create an array of orchids, house plants, tropical leaves, trees, shovels, watering cans, and loads and loads of flowers. I was inspired by the concept of the now iconic show presented by Claes Oldenburg in his studio in the 60’s called THE STORE. In our flower shoppe, we created a stylized stage set where the purchase of accessible hand-made art objects became part of the theater piece."
He's also got a very interesting website... surely check it out...
or his blog

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